Shana Berenzweig | Photographer

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How is it February 2020 already?!


Somehow we’re halfway through February 2020 and I never did any of the end of the year posts I had planned. I couldn’t even manage to put together a short and sweet ‘Happy New Year’ post like I told myself I would.

Geez, woman, get it together.

But as is the case in many situations, better late than never, right?

Well, I hope so, because I don’t know about y’all, but throughout January, I struggled more than usual to get back into the swing of things after taking much-needed time off during the holidays.

And it was so frustrating.

I had a list of things to get done — besides the normal work and shoots, I’m working thru a photography workshop and a business bootcamp, then there’s my taxes (oy vey!), my feeble attempts to write a bunch a blog posts to help me be better at sharing more here throughout the coming year, planning a special headshots/portraits event, and working on a few new photography session offerings and services.

Whew. I’m exhausted just typing all that.

But wait, there’s more to do.

There are several family sessions I’ve done over the past few months I’d like to blog about and then there are some personal photos and posts I’d like to share.

Considering my horrible record on consistent blogging, it might be a while until I get to them, so here are some of my favorite client images from the second half of 2019 that I haven’t blogged about yet.